Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Geronto Stats

FBP     = 135 @ 8
MBP    = 50-140 @ 10 + 155(8) +170(6)
BOR    = 100 @ 8
MRO   = 50-140 @ 10 + 155(8) +170(4)
MMP   = 30-90 @ 10 + 100(8) + 105(4)
DMP   = 30 @ 10 (twisting dumbell shoulder press = 25 @ 10)
OBC    = 80 @ 8
DCR    = 25 @ 10 (hammer curls = 30)
PRC    = 60-75 @ 8
LTX    = 60 @ 8 (triceps are low because of an elbow thing)

I’d probably be more “settled” in the max range had i not had to take a month off in November.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


As of 7:08 PM nothing of us n' ours remains in the southland.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Avant l'Embetisement

I sang my song, but the audience was tone deaf.  We shall see when the review comes out.  

Sunday, November 2, 2014


It's very nice here during the day.  Typical ersatz eclecticism.  But  at  night  the place turns dark, forlorn and forbording  --  a dimly lit urban abandonment frequented only by the shadow of the homeless, the deranged, the drugged and prostituted.   Unfit for civilized consumption. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


"i really need to go out..."  "i really need to go out." 
 "yes, that means I really need to go out."

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Free Bee Raw File Processor from DXO

Rosco wants all his fans to know that  DXO / Digital Photographer is offering DXO Optics Pro8  ... for free ... 

The only "catch" is that it doesn't handle the raw files of every single digitial camera out there... but it sure handles a lot of them.

Apparently they think you'll become so hooked you will want to buy Optics Pro 9

In any case, it's an interesting AND competent alternative to Lightroom,  although Rosco still thinks he probably likes LR more.  

bone-link at:

Friday, October 24, 2014

My Allergy

Nicki has been having hot spots for the past four months.  They come and go, but have mostly been coming of late.  They’ll appear on one spot (front legs) only to move to another spot (inside rear hind legs) after Nicki has managed to lick himself into bald spots.

It did not look like he had fleas but just to be an the safe side, in July and August, i applied a topical Frontline.    But the hot spots (and scratching) continued.

For the most part, i’ve managed to keep it under a semblance of control by upping his yeas and omega-oil at chow time and applying an OTC anti-hot spot medication at other times.  I’ve also shampooed him with $12.00 dollah  neem oil and cotton wood bark shampoo, which actually did seem to have an emollient effect.

Alas on Thursday morning, i awoke to a dog that had licked a bright shiny bald spot on his left haunchy during the night.

On inspecting the area i notice ONE flea.  So i called up the pet groomers and inquired as to the cost of a flea dip/shampoo.  They said they would need proof of his rabies vaccine  or, in the alternative, they could call the vet.

Rather than rummage around for Nicki’s rabies certificate i called the vet to alert them to the call. 

“Oh we don’t recommend you use a flee shampoo service....”

“Why not?”

“Well we don’t know what chemicals are being used and some of them could cause an adverse reaction and make things worse.”

Welcome to Neurosia....  the country that loves to play the risk game.

Flea bathing has been around for quite some time, and one would think that people in the pet-business would be familiar with the “chemicals” that are generally used in dog flea dipping.  It’s not (yet) a Homeland Security Secret. The premise of ignorance is  just bullshit. 

Of course it is possible that some grooming service would use an unheard of “chemical”  and it is further possible that that chemical could cause an “adverse reaction.”  Thus, on two degrees of conjecture, it is possible to have a “reasonable basis” for not recommending a flee shampooing service....

“We recommend....”

I interrupt.  “How much does one month’s dosage cost?”


“I’ll be over in 15 minutes.”

“We don’t recommend you give it on an empty stomach....”

“Why not...”

“It could produce an upset; it’s best to wait until....”

“I’ll be over in 20 minutes.”

So Nicki is going to object to an extra chow time?   I open up a can of Chicken  Mush Delight which he wolfs down before we’re out the door.

I get to the vets, only to discover that they’ve unexpectedly closed for a yearly staff conference.  The sign says “ We apologize for the inconvenience.”

I pound very hard on the door and start yelling that I was not told that they would be closed when I said I was coming over and that I was not going to wait until their once-yearly staff conference was over.

They open up.

The person I spoke to was already conferencing so I told the person who opened up that I came for a flea pill @ $19.00

She calls up our records, and gives me the pill which i pay for.

“Is it chewable,”  I ask, “I wan’t to give it to him right away.”

“Oh we don’t recommend you give it to them in the car be..... :


“....well they could get an upset...”

“Just answer the question: is it chewable?”

“...well yes.”

“Thanks.  Have a nice staff meeting.”


In the ensuing hours, Nicki’s scratching is a little less frenetic, but he’s still licking.   The itchiness can persist even after the fleas are killed, so i start supplementing the treatment with cortisone spray.

You can’t buy Animax anymore; but I use Google to look up its all-purpose anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory ingredients and lo and behold I have two of the ingredients in separate ointments and a third which will do just as well.

The only problem with the Pseudo Animax + Anti-Itch spray is that Nicki likes to lick it off, which of course only makes matters worse.

I’ve decided against Cone Collars because I think they are torture devices.  How would we like it if someone tied our hands when we had a ferocious itch?

I hit on the trick of applying the ointments before we go out, so that Nicki will get distracted with other things and the ointments will have at least some chance to take effect.   But this is going to be problematic if it continues into the next two weeks when I have to board him.

So this morning, I decide I have to go to the huckster vet to get a prescription for prednisone.

I call up and they have an appointment for 11.30.  They can see me if I can get there in 15 minutes, which I do.  Of course, once i get there the person at the desk is not the person i already spoke to.   She starts the fol de rol, noch einmal

“What are we seeing Nicki today for?  

“I just told you over the phone, didn’t you write it down?”

I force her to look at the damn computer screen she is staring at anyways.

“Has he been treated for fleas?”

“Will you just please look at the file on screen, I really don’t want to have to repeat myself.”

Day by day, i find it increasingly insulting to be treated like some sort of object whose purpose it is to endlessly repeat answers to the  same questions over and over again.  It’s actually the sort of thing the KGB and the Gestapo used to do to wear down and debase their “clients”.

Once in the examining room, the “veterinary assistant” starts with the same questions.

“I’ll save it for the doctor.”

{Enter doctor}

“.... and sooooooooo  I think he needs to be put on prednisone.”

The vet ruffles through the hair (and of course sees nothing).

“Well we could do that but it could be parasitic mange in which case prednisone would be contra-indicated;  I recommend a skin ....”

I cut to the chase: “How much?”

Fuck it.  Fee for Service = Question on Fee.

“Why do you think it could be mange?” I ask

“Well, the generalized hair loss indicates it could be mange...”

I know he’s lying through his teeth; but he has me over a barrel. 

“How long will it take?”

“Oh just five minutes.”

Thirty four dollars for five minutes... Not a bad huck.


In three minutes he comes back with the result of his scrapings: No mange.   No parasites were visible he explains. 

Wonderful.  Thirty four dollars for him to look at some skin scrapings under a microscope.  THAT  is the test, two minutes of which involved walking to the other room and back.

But that’s only half of the cheat.  The real lie was in the implication that generalized hair loss was an signifier of mange.

Obviously, if Nicki does not have mange then generalized hair loss is not only an indicator of mange.  It is also an indicator of something not mange.

In other words “generalized fur loss” is not an indicator of one thing over another. 

Worse yet; there is hardly a dog owner I have talked to over the past two months who hasn’t been having problems with hot spots and that means that Nicki’s condition is nothing unusual and that in turn means that the vet most probably must have seen many like case of licked spot fur loss which was not mange.

As a theoretical possibility Nicki could have been suffering from mange.  All things considered he was not.  He had general fur loss due to an “unknown etiology”  ...most probably, as Mr. Vet now said,  “an allergy of some sort.”

He starts to explain something about “air borne fungi...”

I cut him short.  “Yes;  it’s is not a healthy environment around here.”

He is taken aback by this pronouncement.  Folks around here smugly pride themselves on the fact that Beeham has the among the cleanest air in the country.  But that is only in terms of ozone  and other contaminants.  They don’t measure the spores, mold and fungi that thicken the air. 

“... you all but have mushrooms growing out of the sidewalks”

The vet is forced to agree; which is to admit that mange had nothing to do with anything.

A nonhuckstering vet would have said that based on what he had seen this season Nicki's scratching & fur loss was most probably caused by "some allergen" making the rounds, but that there was a 10-15% chance it was triggered by parasitic mange, the test for which involved a simple eyeballing for critters under the scope which would cost $10.00.....

But of course, that is not what he said...

Nicki is now on prednisone.   But this is a nashun of hucksters heretics and cheats.  That is my allergy. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Speaking of Cameras

For those who actually lived there,  this photo is probably emblematic of the real San Francisco.   It was taken in July, of course. 

An interesting coincidence:  when I was growing up my mom had a friend whom we all referred to as Grandma' Burry and who haled from San Francisco.  In her apartment there was an oil painting of a dark blue grey apartment building with patches of blurry orange and yellow doing for windows all set amid other indistinct dark grey-green-blue objects in the back ground and foreground.  "Where's that?"  I asked.  

In many ways SF (like other US cities at the time) was kinda run down and tacky. But it was affordable and liveable. It had a mix of people in different walks from different walks and something known as laissez aller.

I'm pretty sure I spent a night in that building, btw.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


The "New Find" has required getting serious about Sunny 16  and related matters, as I had intended with the K1000 of two years ago.  But the thing about crutches is that if they are in reach they will be used and the K1000 did  have a built-in light meter

Built in light meters are like those motorized shopping carts at Walmart.  Plop and Click. Lay-Z

But the K4B has absolutely no light meter.  None. Zip.  It's "Synchro-Compur" is not a chip but one of those little spiked wheel thingies... i think they're called "gears".     No motor cart here.  

Moreover the little hieroglyph on the back was not what one would call  "pellucid"

So back to ISO and EV charts and the whole mumbo jumbo of wheels and triangles...  during which i came across a nice blog by some guy who's main interest is to simplify things and who is  a devotée of

Leica M3 (photo Brian Johnson)

OMFG.  That is so beautiful.   And there is more.  LUST. 

That 's the same  year/generation as the Rolleiflex and they would make a great duo.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Whooooooo Hoooooooo!

On Thursday, en route to Lake Padden Mountain, Nicki and i stopped off at REI to pick up some small squeeze bottles i can’t find anywhere else.  REI is a  PNW based, west coast  camping, trekking, skiing, biking, kayaking, air ballooning  store.  It's kind of like the Whole Foods of  wholesome wholistic athletic activity.

While there, we overheard a “camping advisor” telling  a young man, who was weighing in his hand and mind a light-steel multi-purpose pot, that there would be a members only garage sale this coming Saturday.

I confess to having signed up with REI years ago when buying an emegency-evakpak tent that has never been used.

“Garage sale?” i asked?  “Yes,” came the reply, “everything will be fifty percent off.”   “When”  “Ten to Five.”

So come Saturday, we toodle on down to REI.  Having got my squeezable bottles, i really did not need anything; but who knows, maybe they’d have a kayak for sale for $200.00... You never know.

So i walk in there... and the place is filled with exactly the same type of narcissistic assholes that go to Whole Foods.... :)  —  pouty-preppy athlo-geeks  and pursed lipped tight lipped women and mid age doods still convinced they are pouty preppy athlo-geeks.   Arrrgh!

But aside from hating the pouty preppies for being so (ever so rightly) stuck up on themselves  what really got to me was that the "sale" prices made me realize how fucking insanely overpriced REI is.

This is the sort of thing that gives green-sustainibility a bad name.   In fact the “simple-sustainable” life is just a brand-veneer.  Hype for The Comfortable to make them feel politically-purposed in their consumerism.

Basically, REI is high end outdoors junk in the same category as a Land Rover, the West Coast answer to Abercrombie & Fitch.

So i high-tailed out of there and decided to take Nicki to the bay before returning home. 

The route we take passes the camera store and since I have been needing a small (non-REI) sack for a lens, I decided I might as well go through the trouble of parking to see if the store had anything in their toss-sale bin.

They did.

As I took the $1.00 pouchlette to the counter, i absent-mindedly asked Jeff, one of the co-owners, if they had gotten any medium format cameras on consignment.   “No, I don’t think so....” he said, “....oh wait!  Did you see the Rolleiflex in the display case?”


Yes, it’s over here.  I followed like a dog at heel over to the counter as Jeff took it out.  “Looks like it’s in pretty good shape, he said.”  “Sure does...”  I added

Jeff had not taken the consignment and did not have much information on it.   So we went back to the counter and checked the Camera Encyclopedia. 

MX-EVS  KB4  1956


It was going for $250.00 which i figured was probably one hundred or two hundred under market; but the important thing in any case is that no defects were noted in the consignment book. 

“Little Roski is going to love this,”  I said.  “Who’s Roski?” Jeff asked.   “Oh ... just a fuzzy photographer I know.” 

“Ah... well this format produces sharp pictures.” 

That’s what he’s hoping.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Forest as Metaphor

The sun was out today, so i decided to take nick for a hike around the lake.  Of course the moment we got onto the trails, we might as well have been in the Black Forest.  The only sun we saw was light reflecting off rotting bark. 

Of course Nicki loved it.  Spring and Autumn are doggie-times.  In spring dew of the fields fills the the air with sweet elixirs engendered in the fleur.  In autumn the earth is damp with the musky smells of decay.

And so Nicki romped on and off trail nose to ground, occasionally looking back to see if i was coming before rushing a mucky puddle or — at one point — jumping over a fern that was not in the way just for the fun of it.

I musta took a wrong turn somewhere so that we ended up circumventing more than I had intended.  I could sense from a thinning of tree tops that the lake was off to right, but we never seemed to get there.  The trail would start to descend, as if to water, before suddenly veering to the left and back up.

As it was we circumvented through ups and downs  for two hours before getting back — oh wonders of wonders — exactly at the point where we had entered.   Kinda sounds like life. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Doggie Love

It rained all morning, but by the time it came time to go to the gym, it had cleared up to a half-hearted drizzle.   

I took Nicki to the frontage road next to the horse field where I let him do his mid-day business.  Nicki didn't seem like he was much into anything and so, after a short while,  I opened the door to the Jeep and he jumped in.

As we drove around the corner heading in the direction of the gym, I spotted Travis and Mia walking up the sidewalk on the other side.   So did Nicki who immediately began big time whimper chortles in the car as Mia began straining on her leash to run over to him.

"You got time?"  I asked Travis.  He nodded yes.  So I drove back to the frontage road, and let Nicki out, just as Mia and Travis came around the corner. Nicki ran up to Mia and then turned around as the two dogs ran shoulder to shoulder down the road before turning on a dime and running back.

.... and on, over, around, under in this kaleidoscope of canine choreography.

These two pups really really have a "thing" for one another.  Call it "phermonal joy" or "love" it's beautiful to watch. 

Were it not for the fact that Nicki is neutered (not my idea) and Mia isn't, I'd seriously consider letting them get married.  I know that if it were up to them they would.

At the gym Nicki sat dreaming in the car (about Mia no doubt) while I went up to 105 lbs on my shoulder presses despite a minor sprain. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Xploring on Chuckanut Hill

Tired of verbs and numbers and given a break in the downpour,  i took nicki for some deep damp sniffing on a hill.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

North Cascades

none of the other photos are worth working on.  we went, nicki swam, we came back.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Nicki & Mia

I had my head buried in some stupid MacProblem when Nicki started pesting, earlier than usual, to go out.  Since it was taking forever to repair my laptop's permissions, i figured i might as well give in to Nicki's insistence.

He could hardly wait and dragged me down the street to the back road which runs along the edge of a forest and horse-field.  Once there, in the post-dusk distance, i saw some blurs one of which was black...

Aaaah...  Nicki was whimper-throating.  Sure enough it was Travis and Mia.  Travis is fairly laconic but he likes dogs.   "Shall we let 'em play?" I asked.  "Sure."   We each unleashed our straining dogs and.....

 ROMP TIME!!!!!!   

The two ran, pounced, jumped, pounced, ran and so on with boundless energy for three quarters of an hour without stop while Travis and i talked about the city's traffic cops who are now lurking about undercover.

There was nothing undercover about the pups who were being as ostensibly DOG as could be imagined.

I remarked to Travis that Nicki must have smelled Mia which is why he was so eager to go out.   After a while, Travis mentioned that Mia sits on their front porch waiting for Nicki to walk by.  "She does?"  "Yep."

"Mia doesn't like other dogs, that much, and definitely not that white husky" he said, "but she's different with Nicki."

It has been obvious for a while that Nicki and Mia have a "thing" going and I wondered what complex of smells, hormones, memories, and  happy-triggers run through their doggie brains.  We put labels on everything.  I suspect dogs do not.  Even so, they certainly have an arrangement and hierarchy of sensory pulses.... and Mia and Nick are high on one another's pulses.

And more,

With our dogs back on their leashes and walking along with us quietly, Travis and I came to the place where we part ways.   Just then,  Nicki and Mia turned toward one another, reached over and gave eachother a parting slurp.

Travis and I exchanged a glance.  Nothing needed to be said.  

Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Lazy Sunday

Back to gym today after a three day hiatus of very low energy verging on sick.  As is not unusually the case, after an enforced rest, i either maintained or went up in weight.  Up to 105 on shoulder presses and 80 on curls. It still surprises me though. 

I'm considering cutting back on the intensity of my aerobic component which is too long and too intense for someone who is not 33 anymore.

I've also started mixing the whey protein with the hemp protein in equal proportions. The whey is simply too much gloo goop and the hemp while less "protein-potent" has more fiber which is probably better overall.

Nicki was very patient throughout all of this and so, since it was warm, i bought some floatable balls and took him to the Oshin for wasser-bal, his big delight. 

There were some neo-hippies on the beach, looking dirty and ragged and smoking weed and accompanied by a cute puppy whose natural handsomeness put them to shame.  They looked at me with suspicion.  I wavered between telling them: "it's three years until the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love" or "give it up and just buy the Volvo already."   I decided to pet their dog instead.

As i write, i am just about finishing up mp3ing all my Bach.  I'm surprised how much i have and astonished at how much he composed.   Just as astonishing is how all of this gets squeezed onto a thumbnail.  



Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Like Clockwork

Like clockwork, summer came to an end with a cold and drenching squall.   Nicki who loves water decided he does not like rain.

It was overcast and ominous when i left the gym but it seemed it would remain that way long enough for a romp and balspiel.   Even so, we headed to Cornwall Park where there is a lot of tree cover.  One thing about Washington forests is that, being so dense, they are something of a natural umbrella. 

We walked through the trees toward the clearing where we play fetch.  But the instant we arrived out in the open the first drizzle started.  Nicki came to a stop, looked intently left,  intently right and then made a straight line for the cover.   No balspiel, and that was that.   

By the time we got back to the Jeep, even nature's umbrella was leaking.    Nicki is now under the desk staying warm and waiting for chow.   Lentils are simmering on the stove.  

It was a crappy summer, actually.  Hot, humid and overcast.   I can't say I regret the rain.   I'm just glad I got the cars all waxed, and bumpers painted with "rubberized" liner.  Looks kewl actually. 


MBP     50-155(10)  + 170(8)
MRO     50-140(10)  + 155(7)
FBP     b,  70(10), 90(7,7,5)
BOR     45(10), 80(10) 90(10,10)
IBP     70(10), 90(10) 100(8,7)
SRO     90x8x3
CPD     65x10x3
GURP    11grams hemp protein.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sultry Blechs

Nice warm weather turned to sultry and hot.   So i basically threw in the towel and stayed at home piddling at other things.  The one nice thing about Coastal California, and San Diego in particular, is that these sorts of days don't exist. But that was when California was on another planet.   Today, the state is bone, dry, burning up and mired in traffic from top to bottom.  

So I rewatched Tales of the City and giggled at what used to be.  

After a ten day hiatus, i went back to gym and, surprisingly, picked up where i left off. 

Lying next to Nickie, i dreamt about Fips and wondered where he is, if he is, outside my heart. 

Friday, July 18, 2014


About ten days ago, after working out, i ran into Ponciano, an indio from the hinterlands of Oaxaca. Like most of his genotype, Ponciano is short and wiry.  But ten days ago, he was definitely beefed up.

Oye, te estas poniendo grande.


P’usi. Se nota.

Minoacido, he said.



I was slow, so he pulled out a tub of powder.


About a year ago, i did some research on creatine. The Miracle Muscle Substance guaranteed....  I came to the conclusion that the game wasn’t worth the candle.  I wasn’t young enough and wasn’t working-out hard enough.

So with some sense of skepticism i duly research minoacidos and, in particular, the Pre & Post - RAPID DRIVE 5000 BCAA GNC tub that Ponciano had showed me.

To make a long, and actually complex, story short: protein is used to build muscle and amino acids — in particular the three branch-chained amino acids (leusine, isuleucine and valine) — are used to metabolize protein into your muscles.  There didn’t seem to be any doubt about that.

But when I read,

“BCAA 5000 features our most advanced RapidDrive Amino Acid Technology. These Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) have been pulverized, or "micronized," from large molecules into smaller particles that are easier to absorb and deliver fast fuel for powerful performance,"

I smelled a huckster.  You can’t pulverize a “molecule” into smaller particles without an atom smasher.

Ah well....

But a couple of days later, while buying nuts at Trader Joes, i espied on the lower vitamin shelf a very large tub of MET RX PROTEIN PLUS. — 46G’s per 2 scoops. Moreover, it not only had hefty amounts of the BCAA’s but a full complement of both “essential” and “useless” amino acids.

All for the low TJ price of $24.00

Gee....  I am so cheap it’s embarrassing. 

I took the tub to service counter and asked, “If i decide i don’t want it, can i bring it back?” 

“You can bring it back even if you try it and decide you don’t like it.”

(This is why people love Trader Joes)

I had actually intended to do more “research” and “chatting up” but with a guarantee like that i threw caution to the wind...

On Sunday, i took my first scoop at home about two hours before my work out.  Gawd the stuff was awful.  It was like drinking Elmer’s Glue-All; and, since both are made from milk it might as well have been Elmer’s Glue-All

Maybe it was the power of suggestion; but i had a surprisingly good work out. 

When it was over, in best gym-rat fashion i ever so nonchalantly filled up and violently shook my flask of protein mix before swallowing it in five grimacing gulps.

Some young-un walked by and said “tastes awful doesn’t it.” 


“I mix mine with strawberries or juice...”

“Yeah well, i’ll have to do something...”

At home i noticed a jar of powder cocoa.  Solution at hand.

In the ensuing days, other rats pronounced on such arcana as the benefits of eating a banana first thing in the morning and that you have to consume as many grams of protein as your body weight.   As we were discussing this, another rat walked into the locker room and as he opened his locker said, “Actually body building has nothing to do with exercise; it’s a race to see who can eat more chicken.”

I took all this into due account and after calculating the amount of protein in 100 grams of meat (it’s 24-28 grams per 100 grams or 25% for fish, chicken or beef), decided that i really did not need more that two scoops per day. 

The total would still be way under my body weight but it would also be way more protein than i have been ingesting.  In fact, i came to the sorry conclusion that i was probably PROTEIN DEFICIENT and therefore “at risk” of loosing my hair.

So... i’ve been scooping all week... and i must say, incredible as it may seem, i AM visibly bulking up.. and by that i mean in my shoulders and arms ... not on my belly.

Oh if i hadn’t been so cheap when i was young.


Nicki by the way doesn’t need any of this... He’s a total muscle doggie just from running up and down hills and swimming and eating garbage. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Old Boy and Dog

It has been hot and i’ve adjusted my routine so as to get to the gym somewhat earlier before the heat of the day.   Not only is it several degrees cooler but there is usually a shaded spot to park as well.

Monday (as is mostly the case) was aerobics day, which meant that i spent 45 minutes on the sweat machine loosing on average of two − sometimes three — pounds of body water.  Since my shirt and absorbing towels are usually two — sometimes three — pounds heavier, i have usually gone to sit and pant in the locker room, before putting on a dry shirt and finishing up the routine. (Yes, there is more... )

But as it was sunny and hot and Mr. Nicki was in the car, this Monday i decided i might as well check him out and go cool down with him.

So, towel in hand, i walked over to where the Jeep was parked, opened the door.  Nicki looked up:  me? OUT? 

Yes, Nicki, komm.  He hopped out and looked up at me. Where to?

"This way, by tree."  I sat down on the grass under a tree and took my shirt off.  Nicki got the idea immediately and sat on his butt right next to me, scoping out the passerby and definitely enjoying the mild breeze.

So there we were doing “boy-and-his-dog.”  After about 15 minutes, i led back to the car and he jumped it.  Shortly afterwards i came out again.

Nicki has a map of the town in his head.  I know he does.  He perks up at certain corners and perks up even more if i turn left rather than right, or right rather than straight. 

As i turned the last corner toward the Bay, he started throating madly, bouncing off the walls of the cab, picking up his ball and pawing me.

Once we got to the bay, i opened the door and he ran toward the water where he hopped and pranced waiting for me to move along and throw his ball.... which i did  for half an hour until he was wet and exhausted and happy and ready to go home for “chow now”.

So, as long as it’s hot, this is the routine now, even on non running days.  At some point in my work out, i come out, let him out of the car and sit on the grass with him.   He usually hugs my leg, or presses against my side or drapes his paw over my thigh.

We don’t always go to the Bay. Sometimes we go to for a shady “forest” walk.  Today we went back down to the Bay and Nicki swam way way way out for the bal.  I think Labs have the soul of seals. 

What amazes and pleases me is how leash-less he’s become. It’s been entirely his decision, but he’s decided that we’re a team and wherever we go we go together.... unless there’s a squirrel or dead something or other....


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Nicki had a seizure

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

Wetting and Drying

I think that in Nicki's priorities i rank as: #1 food provider, #2 romp-buddy and #3 pillow.

Tonight we could add: #4 towel-boy.  As usual, Nicki was pesting wanting to go out around 9 p.m.  No sooner had we got ten paces from the door than i felt a ten or sprinkles…  By fifty paces it was definitely drizzling. 

Nicki wanted to forge on;  there was news to be checked out.  But at about 200 yards, drizzle turned into a light squall.  Fortunately, i was wearing my blue Patagonia and cowboy hat and so was kept pretty dry. Cowboy hats are like umbrellas. 

Although Nicki had nothing but his shiny fur, he wanted to forge on which we did.  There is a lesson in politics here.  When walking off leash, Nicki always checks backward to see that i am coming… or rather what i am preferencing  -- because in the dog wolf world alphas lead from behind.  At the same time, i'm always checking to see where he would like to go and also where he shouldn't go for one reason or another.  We've reached a good level of trust here.

I could see from behind that Nicki was getting dogged, so when he next looked back, i spun around and he was all too happy to "lead" the way back. 

Once home, i put my hat and coat away and sat down on a chair with a towel.  Nicki sat before me.  I held the towel up and he raised his body so i could dry him.  I dried his head and then motioned for him to get closer, which he did so i could dry the rest of him off.

I never trained him to do this.  The first time i took a towel to him he was afraid it was going to be something bad.  It wasn't and certainly by the third time, if not the second, he had figured out on his own that toweling was a good thing.

I've never trained him in walking either.  He seems to have figured out that if he checks-back he gets more off leash time than otherwise, and that if i do leash him its for some non-punishment reason, and that for some unreasonable reason he can expect a lot of human barking if he eats certain things. 

It's time for #3.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wasser Bal

Water-balling is probably Nicki's favourite pass-time 

We did this for an hour until my arm fell off.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Up the Lazy River...

 A perfect Spring day ... warm and crisp.  The Nooksack was the image of a lazy river. 

But not for Mr. Romp, who chased sniffs and, finding a sandy bar insisted on swim n' fetch.   

At the half way mark, i just lay in the sun while Nicki chased around in the vicinity.  Then, after two miles, to gym (not lazy) :)


Thursday, April 10, 2014

All Doggies...

All doggies poking heads out of windows......

Monday, April 7, 2014


SEVENTY DEGREES!  Natives smiling.  Dogs bounding.  Took Nicki up to the Ri-ver, where i discarded my shirt and he swam for sticks.  Then trail walk while he kerplushes through swamplets and prances back onto the trail with plif-plaf paws.   

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Now that the Foolhall has closed off the unofficial dog park at Squalicum creek (to make way for three more playing fields plus multi-use sandbox and jungle gym), Nicki and i have started going to the official dog park, also called Squalicum, one bluff over and bordering the bay.

Squalicum-Bay park is quite nice, only it doesn't have a hill which is important for dog-dashes.  The other draw-back is that this part of also-called Squalicum Creek remains toxic despite the alleged "clean up" of the poisonous crap the "wood processing plant" was dumping into it.   But, as i said, it is otherwise quite nice and, in any case, we have no choice.

So...this afternoon, after bal-spieling, i decided to sit in the soft sun's rays on a large dead tree trunk which had one of those natural depressions which somehow manage to be delightfully comfortable  in a way no man-made cushion is.  Nicki sat nearby working his ball as usual.

Of a sudden, this Chi-Something thing scampered by in the frenzied way that miniature doggies do.  "Hi," i said to its human counterpart.  "Hi," the 20+ something woman answered.  "What kind of dog is that?" i asked, trying not to stress the word "that" too much.  "We don't know," the woman replied, "we think he's a Something-Corgi; at least if you look at him from the front." I looked and he did have a sort of corgi-conformation. 

At this point, Nicki stood up and let the ball drop from his mouth.  I picked it up and chucked it forward.  Nicki lurched after it.  So did the little something-something. 

The little dog was a firecracker.  I estimated him at 12  lbs and his little legs were going four times as fast as Nicki's but he kept up.   "Look at him, go!"  I said. "Yeah," the woman said, "he's likes to run."

As he got to the ball, Nicki had to reach down for it from his comparatively lofty height; and, to do so, he had to make a  right-swoop down and to the left  in a "?" mark type of motion.  But just -- and i mean just - as his open jaw was about to chomp on the ball... little chi-something-gi snatched victory from the jaws of defeat and ran back towards us with a ball almost as big as his cranium in his mouth.

Nicki was taken by surprise and cheerfully followed back.

I threw the ball several more times, and each time the little fuzzy-rocket ran right between Nicki's legs and snatched the ball away from his jaw a split second before Nick could grab it.

We humans laughed at Nicki's good natured predicament.

"What's his name?" I asked the woman.  "Oso" she replied.  "Oh yah, he's a big one for sure.  How much does he weigh?"  "Twenty pounds" she answered.  "Twenty?  I would have thought much lighter."  "He's all muscle." "I bet."

Osito's Story

As the bal-spieling continued, the woman asked me where i had got Nicki.  "He's a rescue," i said.  "I got him when he was one."  "He's a beautiful dog; he seems happy."  "Thank you; and yes he is." 

"How about yours?" "He's a rescue too," the woman replied.  "My sister found him in Puerto Rico, by the side of a road.  He was just a few weeks old.  The mother was nowhere to be seen and he was just sitting there in the middle of seven dead siblings."

"You're kidding!"  "No; and so my sister brought him back.  But my sister is sort of nomadic and so she gave him to us."  "Well he sure seems happy now." 

"Oh yes; he is.  But when he was going on a year, his legs began to deform." 

"They did?"

"Yes, they started growing out of shape and turned inwards and sort of curled under.  He was walking on top of his paws and then couldn't walk at all.  When we first got him he could jump up and off furniture; but then he would just sit on the couch and cry for us to come take him down."

"Oh my god, that sounds, awful."  I commiserated.  "So what happened?"  The woman explained that they took Osito to the vet who, said "Oh my god!" and took pictures which she immediately e-mailed to a doggie bone specialist.

"We only had three alternatives: put him down, or rig up a canine wheel chair, or do the operation to restructure his legs."

"I bet that must have cost a bundle."

"It did.  Altogether it was six thousand dollars.  But they took up a collection at the Community Food Coop.  This is a real dog-friendly town.  Everyone chipped in and we only had to pay $2,000.00"

"Aw man..."

"So what did they do?" 

"First they had to break his legs and reset them. He has two steel pins in his forelegs.  And then they had to re-attach the ligaments and muscles and basically re-wire him.   He seemed to understand.  He never tried to lick his stitches.  It took three separate operations.  You can see that his paws are a still a little crooked."

"Doesn't stop him from being a rocket on fours," I said.

"No, it doesn't  He copes quite well."

Cope wasn't half of it.  He was giving Nicki a run for his money and he knew it. 

"He's an impish, little thing," I said.

"Oh yes," the woman laughed, "he is.  He's quite a personality."

She picked up Osito and cradled him in her arms.  I told her he looked heavier once she picked him up.  It was then, up close, that i saw what a good looking little bear he was. 

She put him down, and he ran off to sniff some bush.  I then got a look at his profile -- still for a moment.  I noticed that from the side he looked more like a miniature German Shepherd, apart from the legs. 

This was the little dog who with a little human help wouldn't give up.  My heart went out to him.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Day of Spring

Like natural clockwork, the first buds and fuzz of green appeared on winter's refeshed stalks.  A brisk air and blue sky with billowy white clouds made for a perfect Spring day.  

Nicki appears to understand that his favourite romping grounds has been closed off while it is degraded into a multi-use playground for humans.  At least he didn't whine and chortle with uncontainable excitement when we drove by.

Instead we went to the little used dog park by the bay.  The park is quite nice actually although it doesn't have a big hill to run up and down.  

After balspieling for a while, i sat on an immense, petrified tree trunk that lay on the moist and spongy grass.  Nicki  sat next to me chewing his ball in  an adjacent  depression which was warmed by the sun's  glow.


Monday, March 17, 2014


I can never smile in a stupid selfie  :)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Pulling Head of the Sand & Crawling to the Finish Line

. . . . . . . crawling to the finish line here on a petition for certiorari to the BIG HOUSE  which i have been working on....( lessee here, the first draft is dated February 17 ).... for just about a month ... a month of cross-eyed staring and wide-eyed insomnia over "dicta".... 

.... a MONTH... for a petition that is only 20 pages long in substance....

.... the issue is hyper-technical and double-talky.... but it is the kind of issue that might interest a justice named after an opera house... maybe...  

....that makes for an 11% chance, although tempering hopes, the chances are more like 2% in a contrary wind....

....were the petition to be granted however... it would signal the revenge of the gnomes  :) my annoyance i forgot to state that i was  hereby asking for review <mega blech> but hopefully the clerks will deem that "included by virtue of obviousness".... still i hate bloopers like that.

in any case, pulling head out of the sand, i'm going to stick it under a pillow 


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014


I interpret these looks as:  
"Please!"   "Maybe?"   and  
"Are you going to be the jerk who doesn't give me my treat?"

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cresting with Nicki

Mt. Baker Looking West
Mount Baker Sniffing North
Spring 2013

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Big Mucky

It was misty today but clear.  I decided to give my wrist sprain an extra day of rest, so i postponed today's gym with tomorrow's romp and took Nicki up to the Big Mucky.

Technically, we are in a drought, although one would never know it.  Parched, the earth is not.

I would wager that next to water, Nick loves mud most. At any rate he was in one of his elements and could not get enough splushing and sniffing. 

As we rounded the far end of the trail shown here, we ran into a couple with a pair of black lab sisters.  The three dogs got along instantly and romped around in circles non stop for 20 minutes as the humans chatted incomprehensibly.

We then walked to the far end of the Big Mucky where the couple had parked their SUV.  Nicki and i hitched a ride with them back to where i had parked my Jeep -- me riding in the back seat with three un-quietable fuzzie-forms.  Once back in the Jeep, Nicki finally settled down and actually snoozed.

It was one of those days when Washington is bathed in its unique soft-glow.  Mt Baker was veiled by the thinnest sheen of mist through which its snow reflected in "warm" creamy way.   Needless to say, I was unable to capture it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dusk to Dusk & Haute Kitsch

It was one of those "dusk to dusk" days in Cascadia: grey, damp, drizzly and dark.  The Gloom is here.

The other day, looking into a dark patch of thick forest nearby it suddenly "dawned" (i use the word with circumspection) on me what the "Black Forest" must have been like: dark, foreboding, impassable and inescapably enveloping once inside -- the lair of witches and erlkonigs.  I shuddered.

Up over the line for dinner the following day, I asked asked my German friends if the Black Forest was still anything as dark and foreboding as the forests here.  "Neh," they said, in an tone that said, "nothing close." 

About a year ago, I wandered with Nicki into one of these wooded thickets.  It was Spring and not as dark by half. Still, within paces I completely lost my sense of direction and went into an instant panic.  Imagine what it was like when full continents were so covered.

In all events, the gloom was such that I needed a little brightening up.  As it turns out the NY Met's Meistersinger conducted by Levine was on U-Tube.  What a cheerful production.

 [Full Four Hours:]

A music buff i chat with opines that Wagner is Haute Kitsch.  But he and I are agreed that this minimalist Wagner Moderne that has been orthodoxy at Bayreuth is just plain crap.  Wagner was a Romantic par excellence; this does not work.

Several months ago he and i fell to incredulous gasping at a modernist Flying Dutchman which finaléd not with the fated couple ascending into heaven, but with Senta falling flat on her face from a fire escape onto the pavement below.  Puleeze.

It's a shame about Levine though. He's obviously seriously ill and it's sad to see this happen to such an ebullient and emphatic conductor.  Compare his conducting of the Met's Tannhauser a decade or so ago.