Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Like Clockwork

Like clockwork, summer came to an end with a cold and drenching squall.   Nicki who loves water decided he does not like rain.

It was overcast and ominous when i left the gym but it seemed it would remain that way long enough for a romp and balspiel.   Even so, we headed to Cornwall Park where there is a lot of tree cover.  One thing about Washington forests is that, being so dense, they are something of a natural umbrella. 

We walked through the trees toward the clearing where we play fetch.  But the instant we arrived out in the open the first drizzle started.  Nicki came to a stop, looked intently left,  intently right and then made a straight line for the cover.   No balspiel, and that was that.   

By the time we got back to the Jeep, even nature's umbrella was leaking.    Nicki is now under the desk staying warm and waiting for chow.   Lentils are simmering on the stove.  

It was a crappy summer, actually.  Hot, humid and overcast.   I can't say I regret the rain.   I'm just glad I got the cars all waxed, and bumpers painted with "rubberized" liner.  Looks kewl actually. 


MBP     50-155(10)  + 170(8)
MRO     50-140(10)  + 155(7)
FBP     b,  70(10), 90(7,7,5)
BOR     45(10), 80(10) 90(10,10)
IBP     70(10), 90(10) 100(8,7)
SRO     90x8x3
CPD     65x10x3
GURP    11grams hemp protein.