Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Big Mucky

It was misty today but clear.  I decided to give my wrist sprain an extra day of rest, so i postponed today's gym with tomorrow's romp and took Nicki up to the Big Mucky.

Technically, we are in a drought, although one would never know it.  Parched, the earth is not.

I would wager that next to water, Nick loves mud most. At any rate he was in one of his elements and could not get enough splushing and sniffing. 

As we rounded the far end of the trail shown here, we ran into a couple with a pair of black lab sisters.  The three dogs got along instantly and romped around in circles non stop for 20 minutes as the humans chatted incomprehensibly.

We then walked to the far end of the Big Mucky where the couple had parked their SUV.  Nicki and i hitched a ride with them back to where i had parked my Jeep -- me riding in the back seat with three un-quietable fuzzie-forms.  Once back in the Jeep, Nicki finally settled down and actually snoozed.

It was one of those days when Washington is bathed in its unique soft-glow.  Mt Baker was veiled by the thinnest sheen of mist through which its snow reflected in "warm" creamy way.   Needless to say, I was unable to capture it.