Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Old Boy and Dog

It has been hot and i’ve adjusted my routine so as to get to the gym somewhat earlier before the heat of the day.   Not only is it several degrees cooler but there is usually a shaded spot to park as well.

Monday (as is mostly the case) was aerobics day, which meant that i spent 45 minutes on the sweat machine loosing on average of two − sometimes three — pounds of body water.  Since my shirt and absorbing towels are usually two — sometimes three — pounds heavier, i have usually gone to sit and pant in the locker room, before putting on a dry shirt and finishing up the routine. (Yes, there is more... )

But as it was sunny and hot and Mr. Nicki was in the car, this Monday i decided i might as well check him out and go cool down with him.

So, towel in hand, i walked over to where the Jeep was parked, opened the door.  Nicki looked up:  me? OUT? 

Yes, Nicki, komm.  He hopped out and looked up at me. Where to?

"This way, by tree."  I sat down on the grass under a tree and took my shirt off.  Nicki got the idea immediately and sat on his butt right next to me, scoping out the passerby and definitely enjoying the mild breeze.

So there we were doing “boy-and-his-dog.”  After about 15 minutes, i led back to the car and he jumped it.  Shortly afterwards i came out again.

Nicki has a map of the town in his head.  I know he does.  He perks up at certain corners and perks up even more if i turn left rather than right, or right rather than straight. 

As i turned the last corner toward the Bay, he started throating madly, bouncing off the walls of the cab, picking up his ball and pawing me.

Once we got to the bay, i opened the door and he ran toward the water where he hopped and pranced waiting for me to move along and throw his ball.... which i did  for half an hour until he was wet and exhausted and happy and ready to go home for “chow now”.

So, as long as it’s hot, this is the routine now, even on non running days.  At some point in my work out, i come out, let him out of the car and sit on the grass with him.   He usually hugs my leg, or presses against my side or drapes his paw over my thigh.

We don’t always go to the Bay. Sometimes we go to for a shady “forest” walk.  Today we went back down to the Bay and Nicki swam way way way out for the bal.  I think Labs have the soul of seals. 

What amazes and pleases me is how leash-less he’s become. It’s been entirely his decision, but he’s decided that we’re a team and wherever we go we go together.... unless there’s a squirrel or dead something or other....