Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Doggie Love

It rained all morning, but by the time it came time to go to the gym, it had cleared up to a half-hearted drizzle.   

I took Nicki to the frontage road next to the horse field where I let him do his mid-day business.  Nicki didn't seem like he was much into anything and so, after a short while,  I opened the door to the Jeep and he jumped in.

As we drove around the corner heading in the direction of the gym, I spotted Travis and Mia walking up the sidewalk on the other side.   So did Nicki who immediately began big time whimper chortles in the car as Mia began straining on her leash to run over to him.

"You got time?"  I asked Travis.  He nodded yes.  So I drove back to the frontage road, and let Nicki out, just as Mia and Travis came around the corner. Nicki ran up to Mia and then turned around as the two dogs ran shoulder to shoulder down the road before turning on a dime and running back.

.... and on, over, around, under in this kaleidoscope of canine choreography.

These two pups really really have a "thing" for one another.  Call it "phermonal joy" or "love" it's beautiful to watch. 

Were it not for the fact that Nicki is neutered (not my idea) and Mia isn't, I'd seriously consider letting them get married.  I know that if it were up to them they would.

At the gym Nicki sat dreaming in the car (about Mia no doubt) while I went up to 105 lbs on my shoulder presses despite a minor sprain.