Monday, September 16, 2013

Grumpies & Rompies

Even though i'm under the gun on three tiresome  lexcrecenses, i've been well determined not to let that adversely implicate my Campaign for Youth!  So, in plain English, i dragged my butt to the gym in mid-afternoon before the rain might start.

As i slapped my gym bag on the counter with a snort, Linda, the manager, asked how i was doing.  "Grumpy."  Eric, the 22 year old gatekeeper from Texas, said: "Is that old man grumpy or Kieran grumpy?"

Kieran Grumpy? I've been here far too long....

"It's Kieran Grumpy," i said, "i'm turning 18 by the end of this month."

Now it was time for Eric to snort.

But it will be so.  At least if le moi has a say in it; and in fact Linda made comments in the "...really good ..."  vein.

After my hour's "run," i took Nicki for his at the off leash Nooksack River trail. I've been wanting to use up a roll of black and white film and so i took that camera with me.  But by the time we got to Ferndale, the sun decided to put in a setting appearance. Fortunately, i took the digital with me.

I don't have time to fiddle with the RAW file so as to bring out the better colours, but the uploaded foto gives an idea of the rural loveliness of this area.

It was lovely for Nicki too in his pan-sensory way. For him romping is nothing like the stupid elliptical machine but a species of gesamptlaufwerk  made up of running, sniffing, loping, muddying, chasing, splashing, poking and (more than once) trying to get me to go down to the river.